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  1. Barge : One of the closest dives to Yap's capital Colonia is dive site the Barge.
  2. Big Bend : Big Bend is named after a sharp curve in the reef on the southwest side of Yap.
  3. Cherry Blossom Wall : Cherry Blossom Wall is named after its many colored tunicates colonies that change the reef into a wild landscape.
  4. Choqol Mini Wall : Choqol Mini Wall is a rich and perfect macro photography dive site just north of Goofnuw Channel.
  5. Eagle's Nest : At a large coral head at Eagle's Nest you can find eagle rays coming to the reef to feed.
  6. Fanif : The reef just southwest of Miil Channel is called Fanif and has a great wall and lively reef.
    1. Japanese Zero : Interested in diving at the remains of a sunken Japanese Zero airplane; you can dive here inside the lagoon of Fanif.
  7. Gabach Channel : Gabach Channel is a deep channel on the southeast side of Yap Island just south of the village Balabat.
  8. Gapow Reef : Gapow Reef is one of the few dive sites on the eastern side of Yap only regularly dived when the Trade Winds are gone.
  9. Gilman Wall : Gilman Wall offers a sheer vertical drop-off with many crevices and plenty of marine fish.
  10. Lionfish Wall : Diving Lionfish Wall is a thrilling drift experience with many sharks, lionfish and tropical reef fish.
  11. Magic Kingdom : Dive site Magic Kingdom consists out of coral heads, branching corals and numerous different fish species.
  12. Main Channel : The Main Channel is not often visited and heavily trafficked as all boats use this channel to visit sites all around the island.
    1. Laura Marie : The wreck of the Laura Marie is one of the artificial reefs in Yap, scuttled in 1992.
    2. LCM Shipwreck : A popular WWII LCM shipwreck with live torpedo can be found in the main channel entrance.
    3. O'Keefe's Island Shipwreck : The O'Keefe's Island shipwreck is believed to be from the well known seafarer and adventurist David O'Keefe.
  13. Miil Channel : Miil Channel is the most famous channel for spotting manta rays in exhilarating drift and wall dives.
    1. Manta Ridge : Manta Ridge is a shallow 35ft deep pinnacle compared with the otherwise 90ft deep Miil Channel.
  14. Peelack Channel : Peelack Channel is another deep channel with often strong currents attracting many different species.
  15. Purple Haze : Purple Haze is diving with brilliant coral formation on sheer drop-offs.
  16. Spanish Walls : Diving Spanish Walls is beautiful soft coral diving named after its enormous amounts of lace coral resembling the lace from Spain.
  17. Sunrise Reef : If you want to see about all types of hard corals that live in Micronesian waters you should dive at Sunrise Reef.
  18. Turtle Cove : Action of sharks, pelagic and turtles are the main reason to dive at dive site Turtle Cove.
  19. Valley of the Rays : The Valley of the Rays or Goofnuw Channel is another popular channel, mainly in summer, for manta rays.
    1. Yap Caverns : Yap Caverns, located on Gilman Tip, are the home of many reef sharks and light tunnel swimmthroughs.
      1. Devil Fish City : Devil Fish City offers divers an excellent view at mantas being cleaned from parasites in one of its cleaning stations.
        1. Koror, Rock Islands : Koror Island and the famous Rock Islands are Palau's most visited dive locations coming from bounty like tropical postcards.
          1. Bichu Maru : The Bichu Maru was a cargo vessel that sank on March 30, 1944 after a torpedo hit in its hull.
          2. Buoy 6 Wreck : The Buoy 6 Wreck right into Lighthouse Channel was used as a submarine chaser during WWII.
          3. Chandelier Cave : The Chandelier Cave is a set of five chambers named after the stalactites that resemble some of the best chandeliers.
          4. Chuyo Maru : The Chuyo Maru is a very nice Japanese coastal freighter full of fish which sank on April 1, 1944.
          5. Helmet Wreck : The Helmet Wreck, Depth Charge Wreck or X1 is named after the many helmets, masks and depth charges found in its holds.
          6. Iro Maru : The Iro Maru was a 145ft long Japanese vessel supporting invertebrates, hard and soft corals and plenty of fish.
          7. Jake Sea Plane : Jake Sea Plane is one of the Japanese single engine airplanes that sank near one of the islands of Koror, Palau.
          8. Raizan Maru : The Raizan Maru sank with a full load of nickel ore and iron which has been salvaged.
          9. Short Drop-off : The Short Drop-off is a popular steep wall dive, just outside the entrance to Koror Harbor and with plenty of sharks and other pelagic.
        2. Ngemelis : Diving around Ngemelis is particularly interesting as it is the area where one of the world's best dive sites is located.
          1. Blue Corner Wall : Diving at dive site Blue Corner Wall
          2. Blue Holes : This area is one of the most popular diving areas in Palau with spectacular walls and exciting aquatic life.
          3. Fern's Wall, Turtle Wall : Turtle Wall or Fern's Wall is a deep vertical wall famous for several species of turtles.
          4. German Wall, Channel : The German Wall and Channel was blasted by the Germans to create a better sea shipping lane between the inner lagoon and the ocean.
          5. New Drop-off : The New Drop-off is another popular wall dive with spectacular underwater pelagic action on top of the best corals.
          6. Ngedebus Coral Garden : Ngedebus Coral Garden is one of the healthiest and densest dive sites compared to the amount and diversity of fish and corals.
          7. Ngemelis Wall : Ngemelis Wall, often confused with the Big Drop-off, is a wicked deep wall situated near the shore of Ngemelis Island.
        3. Ngerchong : Ngerchong is one of the Rock Island with excellent dive opportunities and crystal clear waters.
          1. Ngerchong Inside, Ngerchong Coral Gardens : Cuttlefish are a famous sight and can be seen breeding and hatching year around while scuba diving at Ngerchong Inside.
          2. Ngerchong Outside : Ngerchong Outside is as with many outer dive sites on Palau a steep wall dive with all the action you can wish for.
        4. Peleliu : Despite its tragic history, the south of Peleliu Island offers some of the best wall dives in Palau.
          1. Peleliu Cut : Drift divers will find diving Peleliu Cut a fantastic experience as you will literally be floating past its spectacular drop-off.
          2. Peleliu Express : The Peleliu Express is known as the best drift dive in Palau, flying next to barracudas, sharks and other hunters.
          3. Peleliu Wall : Peleliu Wall is one of the top dive sites in Palau with phenomenal soft and hard corals.
          4. Yellow Wall : Yellow Wall is diving with enormous amounts of yellow, golden colored, tube corals.
        5. Shark City : Divers who like to spot reef sharks should visit the spectacular wall at Shark City.
        6. Ulong Channel : Drift diving Ulong Channel or Ngerumekaol Pass is a dive site never to forget with sharks, fantastic corals and a great canyon.
          1. Agat Bay : Agat Bay and popular dive site Blue Hole offer excellent diving but often for those with a bit more experience and patience.
            1. Apra Harbor : Apra Harbor was the main WWII invasion site on Guam, nowadays offering many ship- and plane wrecks littering its shallow lagoon.
              1. Other : Other dive sites in Guam can be found near Cocos Island and near the cliffs and sloping reefs north of Agana.
                1. Rota : Rota, the southernmost islands of the Marianas, is known for its superb scuba diving.
                  1. Coral Gardens : Healthy hard and soft corals, sea fans are some of the reasons for visiting the diverse dive site Coral Garden.
                  2. Senhanom Cave, Rota Hole : Senhanon Cave or Rota Hole displays heaven like light shows when sunrays enter the cavern through the top of the cave.
                  3. Shoun Maru : The Shoun Maru was sunk by an American torpedo hit in World War II.
                  4. Table Top : Two seamounts that are topped together as a Table Top make one of Rota's best dive sites.
                2. Saipan : The west of Saipan offers superb diving at one of the best and richest coral reefs in the world.
                  1. Banzai Cliff : Banzai Cliff is another beautiful drop-off north of Taipan with a short timeframe when diving is possible.
                  2. Chinsen Maru : The Japanese Chinsen Maru sank during WWII and is been encrusted in coral and swarmed with tropical fish.
                  3. Dimple : The seamount named Dimple is particularly famous since it is the feeding ground of thousands of butterfly fish.
                  4. Eagle Ray City : Eagle Ray City is one worth its name as you are likely to spot more than ten eagle rays on a single day.
                  5. Grotto, Saipan Grotto : One of the top caves in the world is the Grotto, a huge cavern with several different exit holes.
                  6. Ice Cream : Ice Cream is a small seamount west of Saipan with slight currents and plenty of fish.
                  7. Kawanishi H8K Emily B-29 : Diving at the B-29 Kawanishi H8K or Emily as the Allied called it.
                  8. Lau Lau Beach & Bay : Lau Lau Beach is a nice beach dive site with excellent diving among some of the richest coral and some of the best colored marine fish.
                  9. Naftan Point : One of the best wall dives in Taipan is Naftan Point dropping down from 45 to 130 feet.
                  10. Obyan Beach : You will cross several reefs diving towards the ocean from Obyan Beach.
                  11. Spot Light : Spot Light is named after the sunrays that enlighten a particular spot in a cavern.
                  12. Wing Beach : Features of diving Wing Beach are an excellent wall, beautiful crevices and many octopuses.
                3. Tinian : In Tinian, you will find extremely rich coral formation and some World War II wrecks enriching its already stunning underwater environment.
                  1. Dump Cove : Dump Cove is an interesting dive site where lots of WWII artifacts have been dumped from the cliffs on shore.
                  2. Fleming : Fleming is one of the best wall dives in the Marianas dropping down to 200ft.
                  3. Goat Island, Aguigan : Goat Island or Aguijan is a relatively unexplored dive region with many dive sites, sharks and unnamed.
                  4. Tinian Grotto : Tinian Grotto offers a brilliant cavern and chamber highly decorated and filled with shrimp and crabs.
                  5. Two Coral Head, Twin Coral : Two Coral Head or Twin Coral is diving around two excellent coral formations with an enormous amount of fish and coral life.
                    1. Blue Hole : The Blue Hole is a seventy foot deep hole carved out of the reef popular for snorkeling and diving among small fish.
                    2. Bully Hayes Wreck, Leonora : Remains of a real pirate schooner can be found while diving at Bully Hayes Wreck or the Leonora.
                    3. Eagle Ray Wall : Eagle Ray Wall is famous for its many gracious rays that glide along the walls searching for food.
                    4. Hiroshi Point : Hiroshi Point is a well known wall dive with nice colorful overhangs, sea anemones and plenty of fish.
                    5. Lelu Current : Lelu Current is a heavy current dive site popular for fishermen as well as divers.
                    6. Malem Reef Shelf : The Malem Reef Shelf is an excellent coral dive site but since it is on the rough side of the island try to dive here in calm weather.
                    7. Shark Island : Diving with reef sharks is best done at a dive sites named Shark Island reached near the airport strip.
                    8. Village Reef : The village reef is a nice, crowded house reef of Kosrae Village Resort perfect for snorkeling and diving.
                    9. Walung Coral Shelf : The Walung Coral Shelf is a rich and healthy dive famous for its coral and larger fish.
                    10. Walung Drop-off : One of Kosrae's best dive sites is Walung Drop-Off, a steep and phenomenal wall dive where you can see it all.
                    11. Yela Wall : Yela Wall, in the west of Kosrae, offers diving amongst nudibranches and other small critters.
                    1. Fafan, Uman : Fafan and Uman are relatively less visited islands but offer many wrecks that are worth diving.
                      1. Faichuk Islands : The Faichuk Islands, in the west of Truk Lagoon, offer plenty of war wrecks and reefs yet to be discovered.
                        1. Outer Barrier Reefs : The outer barrier reefs of Chuuk Lagoon are sparsely visited and offer wicked and crowded coral reef diving.
                          1. Tonoas : Tonoas and Eten is where the Japanese were most active and where most wrecks are located.
                            1. Weno : The capital Weno is the most densely populated area in Chuuk State and best catered for diving tourism.
                              1. Arno Atoll : Arno Atoll is a great easily reached atoll known for its production of copra instead of its wicked underwater world.
                                1. Bikini Atoll : Bikini Atoll and its inner lagoon is the only location in the world where you can dive at wrecks sank by nuclear bombs.
                                  1. Kwajalein Atoll : Kwajalein Atoll is a pristine atoll with many islets forming a wicked inner lagoon and plenty of stunning dive sites.
                                  2. Majuro Atoll : Majuro Atoll is the capital of the Marshall Islands but still remote enough not to be overrun by tourists.
                                    1. Mili Atoll : Mili Atoll is one of the rare visited outer Marshall Islands and offers pristine discovery diving.
                                      1. Rongelap Atoll : Rongelap Atoll is the next best place to be for diving at the brilliant waters in the Marshall Islands.