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A list of the best rated dive movies in Micronesia.

San Francisco Maru

Rated 5.0, 2 votes

Koror, Rock Islands

Rated 5.0, 1 votes

Koror, Palau's former capital (new one is Melekeok on eastern Babelthuap), lives off tourism with resorts, restaurants, tour agencies and dive shops to be found all across the island. Koror is connected with the state Airai to the north where most tourists will start their adventure as it is the location of Palau's International Airport. Babelthuap or Babeldaob, a large remote mountainous island, is covered in dense vegetation and a top destination for hikers and bird enthusiasts. It inc...

Blue Holes

Rated 5.0, 1 votes

The Blue Holes are four vertical shafts that open on top of the reef into a large cavern with an exit on the outer reef wall. It is common on an outgoing tide to dive through the Blue Holes and continue on to Blue Corner. The cavern and holes were formed by fresh water erosion millions of years ago, when water levels were much lower than they are today. Tubastrea, Wire & Black coral adorn the Blue Hole walls. White Tip Reef sharks and Leopard sharks can be seen sleeping on the sandy bottom o...

Blue Corner Wall

Rated 5.0, 1 votes

This famous dive site is one of the best dives in Palau. Most of the time it has a very strong and unpredictable current. The corner has exactly the right conditions that attracts sharks, where most of the divers are coming for. If you don't like sharks then it is better not to go here. When swimming to Blue Corner you will have the wall on your side. Once at the plateau you will cross on top of the reef and use your reef hook to attach yourself to the reef. This hook is also important to ma...

German Wall, Channel

Rated 5.0, 1 votes

During the German occupation of Palau, Guano (phosphate) was mined on the southern island of Angaur. In order to bring the Guano to town, the Germans blasted and dredged a channel, which connects the inner lagoon with the open ocean. The outside mouth is dived on the incoming tide, when the nutrient & plankton rich current will flow into the inner lagoon. This dive spot is named German Wall or German Channel and is known for Manta Rays, schooling sharks & an abundance of tropical fish. S...

Nippo Maru

Rated 4.5, 2 votes

Siaes Tunnel

Rated 1.0, 1 votes